Coronavirus: oil price collapses as demand falls further - BBC News

The price of oil has fallen further as coronavirus causes falling demand around the world. In the United States some oil prices turned negative - with oil producers in effect paying buyers to take supplies. Meanwhile some countries are continuing to ease the lockdowns they put in place due to the pandemic. New Zealand is relaxing rules on local travel, following some easing of coronavirus restrictions in Germany and Denmark. In the UK Boris Johnson is said to be very wary of relaxing restrictions too soon due to concerns it could lead to a second wave of coronavirus infections. The Prime Minister is continuing his recovery from the virus at Chequers, his country residence. In the United States protesters have taken to the streets demanding an end to the lockdown. The US is feeling the economic effects of the pandemic, with unemployment soaring - more than 22 million Americans have put in new claims for benefits in the last month. Huw Edwards presents News at Ten reports from Business Correspondent Michelle Fleury, Science Editor David Shukman, Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg and North America Editor Jon Sopel. Please subscribe HERE

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