Team India players and the support staff touched down in Sydney on Thursday, almost 20 hours after their departure from Dubai the day before. The Indian players had left for Sydney after completing their commitments in the Indian Premier League 2020 in the United Arab Emirates. The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) had posted pictures of the Indian squad along with coach Ravi Shastri, just before their departure in customised PPE kits and masks. The board then informed about the teams' arrival, once again by posting pictures from the Sydney airport. The players will now enter the bio-bubble in Australia before starting their preparations for the upcoming matches. The Indian team is scheduled to play a series of 3 ODIs, 3 T20Is and 4 Test matches from November 27. #IndianTeam #TestMatch #IndiaVsAustralia #Sydney #IndiaToday Subscribe to India Today for NEW VIDEOS EVERY DAY and make sure to enable Push Notifications so you'll never miss a new video. All you need to do is PRESS THE BELL ICON next to the Subscribe button! India Today TV is India's leading English News Channel. India Today YouTube channel offers latest news videos on Politics, Business, Cricket, Bollywood, Lifestyle, Auto, Technology, Travel, Entertainment and a lot more. Stay tuned for latest updates and in-depth analysis of news from India and around the world! Download Mobile App from India’s No.1 News Video Publisher : Follow us: Official website: Twitter: Facebook: Telegram:
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